Pepper Talk with Erica Goodwin
It’s time for this month’s Pepper Talk featuring Erica Goodwin.
Just a little background before we get started, Erica works in our Human Resources Department. She’s been a Pepper for a little less than a year.
1. Do you have any nicknames?
My husband calls me Dear whenever I ask him to do something he doesn’t really want to do…”Yes, Dear” “Okay, Dear”…does that count?
2. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I make the kid’s lunches…then I reward myself with a cup of coffee 🙂
3. What is your favorite thing about working in human resources?
Working with lots of different people and personalities.
4. How did you get started in this industry?
I actually wanted to major in social work, but my mom convinced me that human resources would be a good fit. She’s a smart lady… I’ve been working In Human Resources ever since I graduated from college, and I love it! There is always something new to learn. And there are so many avenues of HR, my job is never boring.
5. What are your favorite resources/tools that help you do your job?
SHRM, which is the Society for Human Resource Management, is definitely a resource I use all the time. I also love Excel and spreadsheets!
6. What do you draw inspiration from?
Other people. People do amazing things and have the best ideas. I definitely feed off the energy of other people.
8. Rapid-Fire Round:
Caffeine or no: Yes
Sweet or savory: Savory
Favorite movie: I love a lot of different movies, but if you’re asking what movie I can’t turn off if I find it on TV – Sweet Home Alabama.
Favorite place to travel: The beach
Hobbies: Sewing, outdoor activities with family, embarrassing-mom-dancing, Can snuggling be a hobby? If so, my family would absolutely say this is one of my hobbies:)
9. Okay, admission time… What’s a funny story that’s happened during your career?
When I was still in college, I worked one summer as a dock hand at a local marina. My now husband, of 16 years, was the dock master. When he hired me, he provided one work shirt and said I had to buy any additional shirts I wanted. I worked the entire summer, 6 days a week outside in the sun, wearing that one free shirt. I still have it. It is so sun bleached and stiff from Febreze, it’s hardly recognizable. My husband still dated me that summer, and he says by the end knew I was the one. If I wore the same shirt for an entire summer, there was no way I could be high maintenance, haha! I think I was just a cheap college kid.

Thanks for meeting Erica. As always, stay tuned for next month’s Pepper Talk to meet another member of our team!